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Healthspace aims to create an integrated electronic health record-keeping system that connects healthcare professionals with each other and with their patients. Integrating medical data has shown to improve the quality of care, reduce healthcare costs and enable efficient healthcare delivery.
Electronic health record keeping
This website provides you with the ability to write and store patient information whilst replacing paper-filing systems. One requires a stable internet connection and a suitable device and browser through which to access the internet.
Anti-malware and firewall software are required.

Since electronic technology is dependent on electricity, it would be prudent to have a UPS backup on your desktop computer, and a generator or inverter to supply power for your systems during power outages. This will reduce the likelihood of losing information or not being able to enter contemporaneous patient notes.

Store and exchange patient data on a secure server
Data is exchanged using a secure encrypted connection and can be accessed only by authorised users. Our server is hosted in a secure facility which is protected from power outages. Data backups are performed routinely.

Easy referral process:
Refer directly to healthcare professionals already on the site using a simple note system.

Save time when patients complete their medical history before they see you
Patients can register and complete their demographic information and their medical history online before you see them, saving you administrative and clinical time.

Upload and store patient laboratory results and other patient documents
You can upload documents and laboratory results to patients' files.

Daily calendar to book appointments and use a "to do" list:
You and your secretary can login and make appointments for you on the daily calendar. Your patients can also book appointments online on your calendar if you activate this function.

Quick electronic prescription writing
Write your prescription on the system.

Write a note to the patient
Write a short patient note for appointment reminders and quick feedback to the patient who can read this on his/her profile.

What does this service cost me?
We would like to see healthcare professionals embracing integrated healthcare delivery without the usual prohibitive expense of electronic health record keeping. Please contact us for pricing options.

"Electronic patient encounters represent a quantum leap forward in legibility and the ability to rapidly retrieve information. Almost every industry is now computerized and digitized for rapid data retrieval." - Dr. Robert E. Hoyt